Nepalese Band

A new insertion to the Migrant Voices family! We are greatful to our dear Nepalese friend Wali Lama who have hooked us up with a young group of Nepalese migrants. Made of students and one construction worker all below 30 years old, the group have practiced together and are serious about a musical career! They performed for us and we were instantly won over by their songs sung in Nepalese comprising of traditional folk tunes and modern pop rock.
Stumbled on your blog and saw you using the word "Nepalese" as oppose to Nepali. "Nepalese" was first used by British writers in 1800s. The translation formula was European (eg. Portugal - Portuguese). People here prefer to refer to themselves as Nepali because the other hints of colonialism. Afterall, you would say "Bengali" and not "Bengalese"
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